My Leica Telyt
is now Autofocus!
Just for fun, I've bought a Nikon Autofocus converter for my Telyt 400/6.8. But I have to say that is it very good, and the
possible image degradation that comes putting a piece of glass between the Telyt and the camera, it is compensated
for the more reach.
The Nikon AF Teleconverter TC-16A 1.6x will not work directly on your Nikon modern camera, you have to
change the electric pins position to make the autofocus work.
It is explained in this page
Here you can see some samples and crops, notice the Telyt alone is focused to the window at the tower, and the Telyt
with the 1.6x autofocus is focused to the first wall of the house.

100% crops, here the Telyt alone is better focused, still, you see more details with the 1.6x

and here the Telyt with 1.6x autofocus is better focused, the gain in detail is evident.

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